
Does anyone have any tips for writing fight scenes? I’ve been reading a lot lately for inspiration, but inspiration can only do so much when you don’t know how to execute an idea correctly. Yes, this is for RWBY.


Reference other fight scenes to help describe moments. Detail is pretty Important. If you want to help create a certain feeling or atmosphere write it while listening to certain songs and match movements with the beats of the music. 


@RWBYoftheWild it depends on your own style of writing, but my tip is for you to write the fight scenes as if it's a narration. Be very detailed on what's going on around the scene, so that the readers will get the immersion and be sucked into it. Hopefully this would help you, that's about it. :) 


Does anyone have any tips for writing fight scenes? I’ve been reading a lot lately for inspiration, but inspiration can only do so much when you don’t know how to execute an idea correctly. Yes, this is for RWBY.


Reference other fight scenes to help describe moments. Detail is pretty Important. If you want to help create a certain feeling or atmosphere write it while listening to certain songs and match movements with the beats of the music. 


@RWBYoftheWild it depends on your own style of writing, but my tip is for you to write the fight scenes as if it's a narration. Be very detailed on what's going on around the scene, so that the readers will get the immersion and be sucked into it. Hopefully this would help you, that's about it. :) 


After a long hiatus, I'm back. Sorry for the long wait, everybody. I needed a lot of time to myself, and I still might, but I'll take it with y'all. I've got some new story ideas; specifically a Maze Runner fanfiction, but I haven't forgotten about RWBY.


I am, uh, sort of back. I’ve been really struggling lately…I’m now in a therapeutic school cuz of things and how I’ve been feeling lately about myself and more…but, um…yeah…


@some_Angel hey man glad you're doing ok
            Wether you decide to continue writing, create new works, or for any other reasons, me and your other caring readers/supporters will be here for you
            (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づI'm very happy for your return!!


BACK. Had a really bad breakdown. Sorry everyone.


@some_Angel Hope all is well!!


@some_Angel welcome back! hope your feeling better evenn if I say this a month later.


@some_Angel It's okay and it's good to have you back