
Oigan chic@s podrian ir a apoyar a mi amiga con su historia? :3 es su primera historia y es muy buena,se las recomiendo


@ RPfrededdyShipper42  okaa :D


@RPfrededdyShipper42 La iba a seguir pork era tu amiga
          	  Pero es de BP, obio k la voy a leer UwU


English if you don't know Spanish.
          Can I ask about you're last flag? 
          It's because I know the first one is for the homosexual people and the second one is for the trans people but I don't know the last one. So if you can please tell me or explain me about it. It would be very good of you.


No quiero nada mas que hacer una pregunta. No conozco la última de las banderas si pudieras decirme o explicarme. De tu yo la 1 es de la gente que es homosexual y la otra de la gente trans. (Por cierto mucho gusto) pero la última siento decir que la desconozco. 


          actually I'm writing 'cause of a possible adoption for your "Omne tempus una reficere ∆|•Tomarry" story.
          Do you still looking for someone?
          Do you have more to know? Like ideas or wishes besides the previously listed ones?
          What exactly does' moral compass for Tom' mean?
          Currently it is all quite 'basic' and MOD! Harry time traveling and severe light bashing is not a new concept... I hope you get my point. Unless you had specific plans?


@Allu_Riddle I'm not a native english speaker either, so no worries there xd. I'm exited to see what you write ✨


I'll be happy to oblige~
            I'm gonna rewrite the first chapters as well, but I'll leave the basics as it is and keep your chapter titles and of course I'm not gonna rename the story.
            Well I have chapters to reread and will inform you when I post.
            Aaaand obscure n8cknames? Can work with that (got a feeling we have the same FF in mind where could some be from xD).
            Lil warning... I'm no native english speaker. Soh~


@Allugraphie hello, yes, i am still looking. I honestly was making making the story up as I wrote it, so I didn't have any plans, I just wanted to contribute something to the Tomarry fanfic community. "A moral compass for Tom", means that I want Harry to stray Tom away from his very persistent extremism, such as 'kill all muggles' and all that. I know it's not a new concept, but I was hoping that something would pop up in my head that made it stand out from the rest. The only thing I can think of outside of what I've stated before is that I want Harry to come up with very ridiculous nicknames for Tom, that I was gonna take from other fics I've read. Other than that, I would be more than happy to leave you with the creative liberty to do as you please✨ just please let me know when you post it, so I can link to it in a new chapter for those that want to keep reading✨


*leyendo los fandoms en los q estás y dándome cuenta de que conozco a varios y estoy en otros tantos :v* :D *viendo q no está UnderTale y nus AUs* D: *viendo las otp* :D ...espera! Chans y Nightdream??


@JustStorySwapChara enserio,intentaba ir recordando mientras escribia y supongo que se me paso


@ JustStorySwapChara  enserio o de joda? xDD


@JustStorySwapChara  lol,me olvide de ponerlos XD