I survived 40 stolen years that I should never have seen, to be rebirthed in a hospital of the heart, and unleashed upon an unsuspecting public thirsting for intelligent, dramatic fulfillment...

Despite the uniqueness of my medical condition - I only have half a heart - I'm really just an ordinary guy with a soaring personal passion for certain of the elements that make up the tapestry of life;
writing, music, working, writing, reading, football, more writing.

I scrawl, doodle, scribe, sketch words into images, and write constantly.
I also have literary tourettes, which is fine until your audience changes. If you get that, you're already there. Oh, and I absolutely love spreadsheets - is that normal? And I love to learn. Oh, how I love to learn.

I am constantly expanding my output of literature and creativity. Feel free to contact me, by any media. All writing projects considered, and I will always reply (my parents brought me up proper, like).

Outside of working like a madman, I take an active interest in the lives of our daughters and son, like to read extensively, and listen to music.
I particularly like embracing new ideas, experiences and challenges. So far I have written novels, a large body of poetry, short stories and have several scripts underway, with an eye to future publication. I am also a lyricist, working with local musician Paul Grant.
Last but not least, I pen several blogs; Premiership football as Dobbie Savage, ballroom dancing elf; Trope News, as Andy Knobshank, and 'The Gardens', as myself, modern philosopher.
  • England
  • JoinedMarch 11, 2015