
Oh my goodness, two new sections on Black Ice: The Rings of Belzantra in one day! Hope you'll read! 


Are you still writing Black Ice?  You critiqued the first chapter of my book for me 6 months ago  or so and I have to say you did an awesome job by the way.  I had read Black Ice in return.  I recently have read the balance of the story and am eager for more.  Its a great story.  Please continue :)


Hello everyone! I've posted a new segment of Black Ice: The Rings of Belzantra! I have alot of work to do on it still, so I am going to be working on it alot in the weeks to come to have it ready for the Watty Awards. Hope you'll hop over and check it out! Also, check out my novel The Luna Cycle! It is nearing completion, and you can read the first eleven chapters here. It's quite long, and I'm quite proud!
          http://www.wattpad.com/6538862-black-ice-the-rings-of-belzantra-the-watty-awards?d=ud  <--- New section of Black Ice!
          http://www.wattpad.com/4164124-the-luna-cycle-book-one-prologue<---The Luna Cycle!
          Thanks, love you all and thanks so much for reading!


Good morning everyone! I just wanted to send a brief message out, and inform everyone that I SHOULD be updating Black Ice: The Rings of Belzantra at some point tonight. Make sure to check in tomorrow to read the updates!
          And don't forget to check out Luna Cycle, which has a few new bits posted throughout (details in last broadcast).
          Hope everything is grand! Thanks for all the support :)


Hello readers!  I hope you are enjoying your days!
          I have just finished updating and uploading new pieces of The Luna Cycle, including completely new sections in the first three chapters. I've broken up the letters with new sections from Diaen and Lucan, so I hope you will check it out! I've worked hard, so I hope you enjoy it!
          Also, readers of Black Ice: The Rings of Belzantra, there should be a new section up soon!
          Have a wonderful weekend :D Enjoy the sun.