Per Wattpad 
          	How can you stay connected with readers and writers on Wattpad? 
          	Wattpad users can connect via the public commenting feature on stories and in the Conversations section of profile pages.  
          	FYI - this message is in the conversation section of my profile page.  I believe it comes as a notification to you that I posted something here.  You can to the authors page to respond, but it will be public.


hey sorry i am busy nowadays so only i couldnt message how r u?


lol i thought u liked summer as ur personality is a bright i guess my assumption is wrong well domt you guyss have like sumer holidays ?


@propxnqitytobts hot - it is to damn hot outside - I am not a fan of living in an oven - we are getting baked


OMg now I see teachers too suffer I thought they enjoy life well do t overwork yourself.well what u said sounds so good and dreamy but I can only dream 
            Hey sorry my mom confiscated my phone cuz of my exams no I am free as I am studying good 
            How r ya ?


Per Wattpad 
          How can you stay connected with readers and writers on Wattpad? 
          Wattpad users can connect via the public commenting feature on stories and in the Conversations section of profile pages.  
          FYI - this message is in the conversation section of my profile page.  I believe it comes as a notification to you that I posted something here.  You can to the authors page to respond, but it will be public.


In case you have not seen the message, Wattpad will be closing down the private user-to-user conversation area.  They will also be deleting all conversations.  
          Conversations will now take place here (more public) or within a chapter of  a book.  I believe I am going to set up a blank book that we can use for more private conversation.


we don't have complete privacy anymore between two users that I can see.  I have set up a test blank book with another author who we talk about character development to see how that works, but they are taking private conversations away.  I am sure it have to do with the cost of the servers or some cyberbullying.


Really then how can we speak privately is there no way 