there is SO MUCH history and chemistry content :/// richard kennett’s youtube videos are hopefully pulling through tho (i have been watching them for three hours now)


@RINR0SE you reminding me that i should be revising rn 


ahh dude how did history go??? was it alright? 


@RINR0SE omg in the history exam before this one the pen ink clotted around the top of the pen bc I had used it sm and I didn't realise so I unknowingly wiped it all over my hands and my water bottle and made a mess
            and yeah I only have physics left now I'm soo glad (except I'm moving houses so I can't relax yet but thank god school is over)


@s-starryknight istg i thought my hand was going to fall off by the end of that exam. writing up until the exam ended!! and one of my pens ran out halfway through!! (i have three js in case tho)
            how many exams do you have left? i have one on friday and then it’s over (finally)


@RINR0SE  bet you did great!! 
            for me it went pretty well I hope, I was writing so fast in that exam that my arm hurts now but like I really hope it all pays off bc I worked my ass off bc for some reason edexcel decided that for paper 3 that 16 mark question just had to be a completely different structure so I needed to prepare but other than that it was alright


i’ve genuinely never been too angry to sleep up until now (i snapped my NATURAL nail and prom is in a week so it won’t grow back by then so either i have to have wonky nails, pay loads for acrylics despite the fact i’ve been growing them out for a month just so i don’t have to, or cut all my nails short)


making a chocolate mug cake as a coping mechanism ♡


chloe ting might actually be the devil or at best some sort of sadist but why do her workouts actually work?? i didn’t get abs in two weeks but i’m deffo set for my hot girl summer and bikini season?? (i felt like prometheus every time i did those workouts)


ahh hey hru doing? are your exams going well? ♡


@RINR0SE bro why did I not see this until now huh im so sorry
            english was alright like my inspector calls essay was really good, the other questions I didn't love but I think I did enough for them to work yk?
            but no fr maths p1 was on a different level like the smartest girl in my class said she struggled so like uh oh
            I think I've done about the same amount? I've been aggressively trying to get back in the spanish headspace but atm it's not working (so annoyed hat my friends tonight french have already finished that and I still have to do it lol)


omg i literally haven’t logged on for ages so i didn’t see this sorry x
            they’re going pretty well tbh!! i’ve finished ten, so now i have half term and another ten. english lit was all questions i was prepared for so that’s good,,, physics and maths were a diff story