
Due to Amazon's Kindle policy, I will be pulling the first book from Wattpad sooner than I had hoped. You will be able to read it for free if through Kindle sooner, but for now it can be purchased through their site starting at $2.99. I will continue to post the second book in the series until it is complete.


Due to Amazon's Kindle policy, I will be pulling the first book from Wattpad sooner than I had hoped. You will be able to read it for free if through Kindle sooner, but for now it can be purchased through their site starting at $2.99. I will continue to post the second book in the series until it is complete.


The Great Bandit; Book 1 of the series, has gone live on Amazon and I'm in the process of getting it placed as an audiobook. I'm excited! It is currently available in print and kindle, or you can continue reading it here for free. I don't know how long I will have this particular book up on Wattpad, but I will continue placing the series until I get them complete and will allow time for my followers to read them. 
          If you have enjoyed this particular book, please leave a review or comment here or on Amazon. Those reviews and comments are what allow me to continue writing.


I edited and put the complete version of the Great Bandit on Wattpad. There is a hot scene between Lauren and Agent Taco that was added, along with many more chapters. The book is complete. Stay tuned for my updates on Book 2 of The Great Bandit. I'm in the process of writing, but you can keep up with those scenes as I write them here on Wattpad.


Second book of The Great Bandit is being written. You can follow along as I write this story. I will be posting this one a bit different and posting by scenes instead of chapters. You will know the chapters because all the names will be the same with scene numbers. 
          This is the unedited version and I will post as soon as I get it completely written and edited. 
          I still haven't post the edited version of the first book on Wattpad and I hope to do this.


@RDHayes Ahahahahahh that would probably save a lot of time yes but I guess it means it’s all yours!!!! YES I AM. WHOOO


@Kai_Andrews290 Glad you're excited! I also redid a lot of the first book, made it bigger and better. Finally finished editing. I think I'll just hire someone to edit it for me next time. lol.


@RDHayes Yesss and there are already chapters up! 