
Slight change in Chapter 1 of Beyond a Title: Spencer only has his Dad, not his mom or a brother. 
          	Apologies for the slight plot hole! 
          	Update on all of my other works: I hit another road block on Tadpole...I have no idea when this story will continue, but I will not remove any of my stories from Wattpad.


Slight change in Chapter 1 of Beyond a Title: Spencer only has his Dad, not his mom or a brother. 
          Apologies for the slight plot hole! 
          Update on all of my other works: I hit another road block on Tadpole...I have no idea when this story will continue, but I will not remove any of my stories from Wattpad.


Hey guys!! First off thank you for reading, commenting, following, and voting. I see everything and I appreciate it so much!! 
          If you’re following the Spitfire series, that is on hold until further notice. I have extreme writers block and I have no idea when that will resolve itself. 
          In the meantime I am working on Tadpole, i know my posts are typically slow and sporadic, that’s how my writing process typically goes, i have tried to spend time to work on it and will continue this story as best I can. 
          I appreciate your patience as you enjoy this story and I will attempt to write and post more frequently. 
          Thank you for everything and I hope you enjoy!!