
Hey. I have a question. Are you continuing your stingue fanfic. I'm not trying to pressure you into updating or anything, I was just curious if you know. Thanks! I really liked it btw.


@AmberGreen309 Okay! Thanks for telling me! When you make your decision, please let me know! I really do like that fanfic. :)


Honestly, I'm still not all too sure. I just sorta jumped in without thinking anything through and I have no idea how to continue with chapter nine. On top of that, the only time I'm ever on wattpad is when I'm bored out of my mind and/or don't have wifi or cell service. I might continue it, seeing as I did leave off on a bit of a cliff hanger. Though the story is not to the best of my abilities and there's a lot of mistakes seeing as I didn't edit anything before publishing each chapter. So yeah, I'm not too sure myself. Aha, sorry! 


I am the biggest fan of @lizabrew 's "Your mom" so plz step off my grill. -_-


clearly I am their biggest fan, now please take your butthurt little ass elsewhere thank you 


Kindly take your foot of the flames that are my ever-growing hipster love for the best book ever written.. -_-