
Honesty time: I was just actually browsing my followers one by one then I encountered yours and realized that I haven't thanked you yet.
          Thank you for following me and also for adding my (crappy) book in your reading list. Haha
          I just feel like thanking someone today so why not? It really feels good (=w=)
          Thank you!! Really!! I hope you have a good time (^w^)
          Best wishes!!


@gelainess your welcome! (*´ω`*) I reread the whole story and finished it and it truly was a wonderful ride! Thank you for creating the story and bless you for making the special chap (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)


Thank you <3


@gelainess I'm unsure if you received a notification for my old message- since my account is all weird because I almost lost it but once again though. Thank you, and I hope you a lovely time too!! (人*´∀`)。*゚+ 
            I was unable to finish your story but I was able to read enough of it and enjoy it hehe Goodluck with your stories!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


Hello! Thank you so much for the votes and follow. Means a lot to me. ☺️
          Feel free to comment on one of the chapters too, if you like. Anyways, have a nice day!


@cmcookiemon no, THANK YOU! I kinda wished I'd given time to write more back then. I'm getting back to writing once again and I kinda lost my touch (if I ever had one, lol). But I'm glad someone is happy for an update. 


@cmcookiemon No problem! You deserve it ^~^ I've read your story for a long time now and I was overjoyed for the update. Thank You so much for it!!