
Just wanted to say Hello! I love you all so much and don't ever forget it. I send Covid Free hugs and cuddles!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
          	I hope you all have a lovely Day/evening/ night!!


Hey Among Us buddy, how have you been?


@AquaGloss that would be awesome! There's been barely any snow so far, just a lot of wind/rain where I am.


@QuietKitkat On one hand, I totally feel that, and on the other I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want it to snow on Christmas. 


@AquaGloss oh hey Aqua! I've been okay, just kinda going with the motions of things.  How about you?


Thank you for the lovely comments you've been leaving on Squire.  I hope you're enjoying it  :-)


@InnerFyre Well thank ya, I can be a bit of a chatty Kathy so I like being able to write my thoughts out sometimes. Unfortunately Im also the kinda human who talks through movies. Im trying to fix that tho. Lol


@QuietKitkat   It's lovely that you're taking the time to make comments on the way through.  Thank you  :-)


@InnerFyre oh and yeah I'm happy to! 


Hey You! I got something to tell you
          It's Super important! Plz keep scrolling
          Almost there now
          You're one of a kind and I love you for all your flaws and good sides. The world may be a cold and cruel little maze, but your light helps to warm the way for those who can't any more. Just remember that I appreciate you❤❤
          Hope you have a lovely day/ evening/ night friendo! : )


@Petraeus142 *internal screeching* ThAnK


@Petraeus142 No U! (~ O ^ O)~❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I think my Town is cursed. 
          It seems every year around this time for the past 20 years, People have been getting into accidents at our beach and dying; Our beach does have troubles with riptides and undertow but the majority of kids here are taught very young how to deal with it. 
          In fact The beach here is a well known Fresh water Surfing spot and tourist attraction for families
          This year is especially bad as we had not one but FIVE deaths at our pier.
          Three of which had happened within the span of this week.
          The first this week was an old local couple that got into an accident that somehow tumbled their car into a deep part of the Marina. Both drowned before they could be rescued.
          The second incident happened tonight off the end of the pier.
           The weather here was bad and the maintenance crew were debating closing it off since a lot of the waves were splashing over the edges. two teenagers got swept off the end by one of the larger waves and kept being pulled under. a man jumped in to help them and the teens were able to get out. The man however was pulled in deeper and died.
          I know more details about this one because I was there before it happened and was just driving by the nearby emergency station when they were called to handle the situation.
          It feels so ominous because I remember telling my friend that I was worried because of the waves and wind and seeing tourists attempting to swim and walk across the pier despite said waves and that was the reason I had left.


It be real Gecko hours my dudes.
          My precious tiny boi, Urgon has been super active and friendly today and I just love him aaaaghfbfjcvfhcbrhfbduxbdhehdu❤❤❤
          Hope yall have a wonderful day/ evening/ night. Sending some big ol hugs and support handshakes!


I went to the doctor recently and it turns out there's a Good chance I got Attention Deficit Disorder.
          Won't know entirely till I get my next consultation but heck; that sure explains a lot though.


@Petraeus142 heckin mood tho. I do already take a couple of meds for other things which I already tend to miss taking every now and then. Especially if they're heavier ones.


@QuietKitkat I hope you don't. They're not hard to take it just gets annoying, especially when I was running late.