
So, many things have happened. Many things. Life got in the way of my passion and I couldn’t take the time to check in on Kohana and Ava! Currently, I’m writing a long chapter of Ojinjintka and waiting for my Insight report on the story as well. Thank you so much for reading and I hope I don’t let you down. All my love to you ✨


I hope you and your family and friends are doing well and that you are stress free! And I know how irritating it can be when people ask you to update because your not in the right headspace to write. I hope you don’t have writers block cause I absolutely hate that and wouldn’t want that for anyone. I also hope that you get plea ty of ideas and time to continue on with your amazing story. Would love to read what happens next.


Thank you so much. I am currently working on a new chapter and I hope you read it when it comes out. 


So, many things have happened. Many things. Life got in the way of my passion and I couldn’t take the time to check in on Kohana and Ava! Currently, I’m writing a long chapter of Ojinjintka and waiting for my Insight report on the story as well. Thank you so much for reading and I hope I don’t let you down. All my love to you ✨


I just want to be the first to say, thank you so much for writing rose( I can't remember how to spell the first word to your book). I love reading romance between black woman and other races but a lot of it is bwwm. Thank you for thinking out of the box


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, comment and message me. It means soooooo so so much to me. I was really shy about posting this story as I haven't written in a long, long time. I noticed the vast majority of stories on here are BWWM. I've always been interested in Native American culture since I was little so I decided to channel that into this story. I really hope you keep reading the story and enjoy my characters. Thank you so much. 