
Just published two parts to a new story i’ve been working on, and don’t worry, i haven’t forgotten about Aphrodite’s Mate!


Currently in the process of making my first book, a twilight one, and I was wondering if anyone would even be interested in reading it?


Also, AJ is a shifter if that wasn’t clear, and he has the ability of claw retraction. Think wolverine but on him


there’s more but I don’t want to write it all out


It’s about this kid named AJ, same as Bella, they consider themselves twins, AJ was taken in by Charlie and renée, after Charlie found him while out on parole, thinking he had been abandoned, when in reality AJ’s parents and his pack who are shifters, were killed by rogue hunters.After moving away with Renee, AJ and Bella move back to forks in the middle of their junior year and somewhere along the story AJ imprints and falls in love with Rose.