
I can't find any prewritten stories and fics at the current moment for the three books so... this might be the end now. I can't be bothered to continue with the books when I have other far more important things in the works, so I may add a last part I may not. For now, I'm closing the books down and deleting the app. I'll have my info saved in case I for some reason do something new for the books which... I doubt. You guys may see this or maybe not. But just remember, I do appreciate you all and this has been an amazing experience while it lasted. Please, take care of yourselves guys. I love you all so much and maybe I'll see you later.


I can't find any prewritten stories and fics at the current moment for the three books so... this might be the end now. I can't be bothered to continue with the books when I have other far more important things in the works, so I may add a last part I may not. For now, I'm closing the books down and deleting the app. I'll have my info saved in case I for some reason do something new for the books which... I doubt. You guys may see this or maybe not. But just remember, I do appreciate you all and this has been an amazing experience while it lasted. Please, take care of yourselves guys. I love you all so much and maybe I'll see you later.


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I need to share this shit before I pass out again... I had a dream about a fuckin' spider with a maraca butt. This Luna Lovegood knockoff in my dream went with me to find it because we had to catch it for whatever reason... because sending a girl who would rather go INTO a burning building to get away from a spider to CATCH a spider is a brilliant idea. Anyways, knockoff Luna and I walk into this classroom - we were in a school in the middle of a fucking desert. A literal desert. There was no towns anywhere, and this spider pops up and begins to fuckin' twerk at us. Knockoff Luna screams "IT'S USING ITS DEFENSE! FALL BACK!" and runs out of the room, while I stand there just... flabbergasted that a spider was TWERKING at me, before it jumps at me and I wake up. Ok. I'm gonna go back to sleep now.


Funny how I said I wouldn't make more Skyrim imagines, but a lot of close and internet friends are begging me to make more. I might end up creating an Elder Scrolls imagines book... anyways, I'm currently working an imagine that I have to take constant breaks on because it's based around the "Kill Paarthurnax" quest in Skyrim and I keep on needing to take moments to just cry because I love this dragon with the intensity that Cicero has for the Night Mother. Bleh. I'll start working on the Silent Hill imagine I was talking about soon enough, promise.


@genuinelynotreal Yeah! I found out about TES fanfiction back in 2016 or something, and a lot of it is actually really good! I mean, of course you come across those fanfics that just aren't that great, but mostly it's great.


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Ok, so I just read something that said that Oliver would have enjoyed playing Peeves if he couldn't play George, and now I want that fucking fanfic where like, Ollie is the replacement for Peeves in the movies and I'm just... my mind is rACING


So, I just saw a picture of Evanna Lynch - aka Luna Lovegood - in a corset, and I didn't know being aroused and traumatized at the same time was a thing... and now I do, and I'm kinda scared. Like, my dudes, I still feel a little traumatized when I see Oliver or James without their shirts on so like... seeing Evanna in lingerie/a corset fucks me tf up, like... how the hell am I supposed to feel?!


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Ok, so that I don't clog up my books with a bunch of A/N's, since I know people hate that shit, I'll post it here... sadly, I'm going to have to cancel the stories I said I'd be posting in October... this means the Fred and George Halloween specials and the three part Steven Hyde series.. I feel so bad for having to do this, but there's many personal issues right now... and October isn't exact the happiest time of the year for me. However, I will still try to get some type of Halloween specials out to you all no matter what, even if they're not the specials I promised! Again, I'm so very sorry about this, but I promise I tried.


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Honestly, just ignore this shit if you don't care about me, or anything drama related. Still here? Alright. Let's go.
          Let me just say this now, I did not start anything. Because if I said or did something wrong, I would know, and I would do whatever to fix it. But instead, this person decided to try and drag this out...
          So, I have an edgy dark sense of humor. We know this. But this person tried to make my little rant somewhere else much deeper than it really is... like... bih, don't get pressed. It's like, not that deep... anyways, this person said something along the lins of "if someone gets offended, it is your fault".
          So I explained that, people's feelings are not my problem. If someone gets offended over a joke, it's their emotions faults, and not mine.
          I mean, hey, maybe I replied like this because I think emotions, for the most part, are pointless. And if people stopped thinking with their feelings, there would be less stupid arguments like this.
          Sorry for bringing this bad juju here, but I just needed to get this shit off of my chest.


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Question: Why the fuck do you now have to pay a subscription for new shit on Wattpad? Like, bitch, you are a fucking STORY company for people like me who write fanfictions. And sure, there are other content such as "Original stories", but most of them are just teenagers and adults trying to be edgy. Yes, I am very hostile right now, and I want to eat pizza and chocolate and just watch That 70's Show, damnit!


Hey. So, if you didn't follow me for my other imagines books, feel free to ignore this. If you did, here's an update on why I deleted the imagines books. I didn't like them. Yes, some of the stories I did like, but I honestly hated most of them. I'm sorry about that. I know a rational person would feel flattered that someone liked the stories they hated, but I can't do that. It can be nice some times, but mostly it's like getting stabbed in the throat. So, I do sincerely apologize. But! I will be posting the stories I did like, and even update a few. Until then, I'll talk to you guys later, ok? Bye.