
Hello Fellow Bookworms! 
          	I was put on a pill to help with my hip dislocation that literally kept me sleep all day. But! I had my baby two weeks ago and I am now off that pill! So updates should be coming soon. 


Hey y’all! Sorry for the absence. My pregnancy has caused a lot of pain mentally and physically. I have been told I need to do physical therapy or else I will be bed rested. So a lot on my mind and trying to take everything easy. 
          I’ve been working on some of the issues and my schedule has finally cleared up a bit, so I’m back to keep writing just not very frequently. I can either write everything now and wait until later to post or just post as I finish; let me know what you would prefer. 
          On other news:
          IM HAVING A BOY! 




Hey y’all! I updated The Prisoner (Chapter 15) and will be updating The Five Little Ducks (Chapter 3) by Saturday, just going through and editing the chapter. 
          I hope y’all like it. Both books will be picking up for the big climax twists now. 


@Queen_Izzy02 I don't know how much I have of yours left to read I have to check I had so much going on but I know I need to get to it ASAP you know I like to make sure that I help you out as much as possible I want you to continue writing. 


@ChaosMarie3 thank you!  and I’m going to try to catch up on your books! I know I have a lot to read


@Queen_Izzy02 yeah boys are definitely harder, but I just wish you all the health and happiness in the world ❤️❤️


Hi everyone who’s been waiting for an update! My pregnancy got a lot worse. I had to go the hospital because I was showing signs of my pregnancy being ectopic. It was not, thank goodness! This pregnancy was just very bad in the beginning. Everything is going well now! I found out my due date, and baby is growing well; other then a lot of bad sciatica pains and tiredness, I’m good now. I will do my best to post before the end of the month. Hopefully by Christmas since I did already start a chapter. 
          I am sorry for my absence and I will try to stay on s good schedule for the rest of it. 


Thank you! Happy Holidays to your family as well


@Queen_Izzy02 good to hear that you're doing well, hope you feel better usually after your first child things tend to get a lot easier. Hopefully you get a little farther along and everything will be smooth from here on out. Merry Christmas to you and Happy holidays to you and your family 


Hi everyone! I know I haven’t updated in a bit, I promise I have a good reason!
          My whole family got COVID the beginning of October and I am also 7 weeks pregnant. The first trimester has been rough, it was with my last one as well. I am starting to be able to keep food down and take less naps now so I should be able to update within the next 9 days so I can post two chapters. 
          I am so sorry and I hope the next chapters make up for the wait. Love all y’all and thank you for the support!!! 


@Queen_Izzy02 just glad you're okay thank you for keeping us all updated we're patient your books are always worth it ♥♥