
Hi everybody! I have some great news for the fans who have read my story "Willow" the walking dead fanfiction. Starting today I will be going through and rewriting each chapter to add more detail and better grammar. I'll make sure to tag the bottom of each chapter that has been edited so make sure to give that story a reread! 


Hey I love your book trust issues and I have completed it am just waiting for you to finish the second book, perhaps you've been busy lately but please do finish the story cause I want to know if Megan will wake up from the coma am just dying to know 


I love your book Trust Issues. But it is making me confused on who to ship her with? I ship her with 10k but at the same time i ship her with Dean because she promised him that she would help him find Sam in till her last breath. I'm going on to the second book keep writing. I love your writing so much. Thanks for writing! See you on the flipside.
          Boondock Saints reference. R.I.P. Roco.


To all my fans reading "Trust Issues" I just want to give a quick shout out to all of you because the book hit 30k reads and that's absolutely incredible and I can't say thanks enough to all of those who vote and leave comments so thank you thank you thank you!