
I want to argue with someone but I know that someone will "get hurt" by my words.
          	So I was being introduced to character.ai by my sister. 
          	Right now I just make some cliché drama about a cheating husband that abused his uke to the point he regret it OvO
          	I..... Kinda make those characters become yandere even if it's not in their description to be one, or even make them guilty to the point whatever I said will be accept by them like a masochist ÔvÔ
          	Should I copy those stories in here??


@QueenOfFujoshi  would be cool lmao, make them if you did have a time to make it


I want to argue with someone but I know that someone will "get hurt" by my words.
          So I was being introduced to character.ai by my sister. 
          Right now I just make some cliché drama about a cheating husband that abused his uke to the point he regret it OvO
          I..... Kinda make those characters become yandere even if it's not in their description to be one, or even make them guilty to the point whatever I said will be accept by them like a masochist ÔvÔ
          Should I copy those stories in here??


@QueenOfFujoshi  would be cool lmao, make them if you did have a time to make it


Someone said loving a same gender is a sin, and we must stop doing it because we will go to hell.
          What will you guys do?


@QueenOfFujoshi well if that's sin then I'm more willing to go to hell with the one I love than too go to heaven


@QueenOfFujoshi The best thing to do is ignore them "that's a sin!" It's a phrase that usually comes from stupid people, if I were in your place I would look at them with mockery and ignore it. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that those who are mature know how to recognize a foolish person and don't fight with them. If you spend your energy on these people, your beauty will go away And we need your beauty to write works of art ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽.


@QueenOfFujoshi tbh i dont care about what they think all i know is heaven is just much more worst than hell, if im going to hell dating the same gender as mine atleast I found a true love


Oh my yaoi god!
          Wattpad, why you deleted people's account AND their hard working books without the owners permission. Don't tell me it's because people report those books?
          Dude, then why there's the part of that "MATURE CONTENT" use for then? For some little tiny bit swearing words? For bloody and gory scene only?
          Not many will read those kind of books. There's people that read those books, but not many. People that wants to read those books will consider twice before they read because some people have wild imagination and can even make their traumatic events of the past resurface after reading it.
          And those that you literally deleted their account for, they make the story choice become more broadened and they already put a warning about their own books content so you can't just delete it like nothing. 
          Geez, if my books got delete or my account got delete by Wattpad, I ain't gonna use Wattpad. Don't even think about those 5 stars anymore.
          Ya know what, I'll just use other website for my books. I ain't gonna let my books get delete too.


@195Seojoon Thank you, I'll use that then. But for now, let me just put all of books on draft then mlbb-


@QueenOfFujoshi use AO3 site. It doesn't delete your fanfic and account forever.



          Even thought Ennead is bl to begin with-
          But hey, most of the fanfics that I saw is the Heteros or where the protagonist is a child.
          And this book.... Just give me this tingling feelings to make one for myself.
          Even thought the book is a male reader-
          But meh, who cares!! As long it's bl!! It's male reader one? Use Orion to replace the male reader and turn it into oc!


@Close_My_Mind_123 "Desire" with a tag ennead


What’s the name of the fanfic book?


this message may be offensive
...... Do I just go outside and actually mingle with some uncultured swine?
          Because this last few days all the people that know me or I know are inviting me to this party and that event and last night people that I don't know of are actually talking to me and I even respond to them even thought they don't know anything about bl or some hentai shit?
          What happened to my plan of being a hikikomori that never goes out from the house except for work just to buy merchandise?
          Late happy new year, my dirty little bitch!
          Hope you have new resolution for the year even though the previous or the previous previous one didn't even manage to be fulfill.
          And yes, now I'm officially 23....... And now people will say that I'm 24 even thought my birthday are just 2 days ago.....
          Also, I need help to start that streaming. Should I do some face one, virtual one, or just my voice playing some games or just talking? And should I do it in twitch or somewhere else?


More late happy new year :)


@QueenOfFujoshi wait, did I said 23? I mean 22, goddamnit, I just count someone else age....