
The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is my favorite isekai


Hello again. 
          As you’ve noticed, I’ve followed through with my prevision and will not be making an Inktobertale 2023. I did like multiple of the prompts, and they suited the narrative I had in mind for the final book of the trilogy, but nonetheless I didn’t want to dive in and repeat last year’s mistake without making sure it would all be to my taste.
          I may actually break my flawless respect of the prompts so far for my own when I DO make it, but if I do, rest assured it’ll be for the greater good of the book’s narrative. 
          So for those who came back to check for an Inktobertale 2023 book, sorry, better luck in 1 or 2 more years hopefully! Btw I’m curious, would you rather more detached, Ink-n-friends shenanigans, or one big narrative throughout the chapters with a unique antagonist ? There’ll probably end up being both, just like the 2 previous times, just curious which you prefer.


There was a thumbs up emoji but it didn’t show up


@Quantis1 "Bit of both. Bit of both is good."


          Debriefing time.
          I’m gonna go straight to the point, I think the Inktobertale 2022 book was way inferior to what I managed to write in 2021, and the reception seems to confirm that impression. Could this have something to do with the fact, I forced myself to release chapters much more regularly (except for a few 0 released one day-2 the next day moments) ? I doubt it. I think that the book in itself lacked most of what made the first one so good. Regular, quirky dynamics between characters (opposed to Ink being alone the whole-ass thing), original, isolated one-shots (versus a long story that felt very pieced together), among a few things. I suspect this might also be linked to this being my SECOND book, which brings problems that I talk about in the very first chapter (the whole “I should read the first book first ?!?!” thing). 
          So now what ? 
          Well, until the last moment, I was very unsure if I was gonna participate to Inktobertale 2022, make a follow-up to my most successful book so far. And now it’s done, and poorly so. So is it a sign that I should give up ?
          Or should I see this as a 1-1 scoreboard ?
          You see where I’m going with this ?
          I’m very much unsatisfied with the Inktobertale 22 book, so I’m going to make things right. I *want* to make a third book. And it’s probably going to be the final Inktobertale book. A trilogy, which I’ll be proud of. And for that to be the case, I’m also decreeing that THIS DOES NOT MEAN I’LL PARTICIPATE TO INKTOBERTALE 2023. I will wait, for prompts that inspire me, bringing me to create a story I feel CONFIDENT IN. 
          So yeah. 
          You might also get an update about my other books in the near future.
          TLDR : Inktobertale 22 book bad, will make a third one to conclude the trilogy, but only once I’m sure I can do it right, so it might be Inktobertale 2023, or 26.


Idk if that’s ironic or a blessing, but someone actually just hearted the entirety of the Inktobertale 2022 book (thus far)


And they even reply to mentions 


Goodbye all my previous idols, @-Vksel- is my new role model.