
Hey guys I'm so so terribly sorry for not updating at all lately. I've been busy with school and family. I've tried writing but I just don't get anywhere with it. I am though currently working on a new book I have on my laptop but I think when I actually get that done I will publish it and have it put out in stores and stuff or just sell them myself. 


Hey guys I'm so so terribly sorry for not updating at all lately. I've been busy with school and family. I've tried writing but I just don't get anywhere with it. I am though currently working on a new book I have on my laptop but I think when I actually get that done I will publish it and have it put out in stores and stuff or just sell them myself. 


I am so sorry for not updating any books lately. I've been trying my best between school, the job I had and family. I almost got put in treatment but the doctor there told me I wasn't "sick" enough to get help there besides a partial stay. Anyways I should have some updates soon. I promise. 


Hey peeps. I am so sorry that it will be taking me awhile to update some books and stuff. It's just I just got out of school on the 22nd of this month and I've been dealing with family stuff. Also I've been dealing with my depression entering my life again


Alright people who read my books that are following me. Please rest this so you are AWARE. 
          I know that I need to update my books and I have with a few today. But please give me a break. It's NOT so easy writing books especially as much as I am writing. Getting writers block happens, running out of data or no wifi access happens. 
          The most important thing to remember is that I AM A TEENAGER just like YOU. I am not a professional writer. I'm nothing like J.K. Rawlings, Nicholas Sparks or any other famous publisher/ author.
          I will update when I can and if you can't appreciate that then you can go find a sock and shove it in your mouth. I'm tried of people begging for more. I am trying my best to do this.