
hey, i was leaving comments on your story with spelling corrections and i was wondering if they're annoying. i was doing it without thinking but i saw someone being rude to you about a repeated misspelling. i don't want to come off as rude myself, so i've stopped at the moment. great story btw :)


@_beanastronaut_  hay thank u for being so polite about it . And I do find it really rude when people correct my spelling's as I have dyslexia . I am correcting as many as I can at the moment


when are you updating 


@skidaaaa Im not realy sure . Lots is happening in my personal life rn . The stuff I already mentioned and some stuff I don't feel comfortable shearing . I promise I will update at some point and I'll probably do a few updates in one go . But I'm not sure when that will be . Thank you for being interested in my story and feel free to mesige me some chapter idias I will ofcause credit you .