
New chapter of "Never Letting Go" is up!


So I've been sort of MIA for a while. I'm sorry. College work is difficult and time consuming. Between work and school, I don't have as much time as I used to. I am trying to be good and get back into the swing of writing. To any new fans/followers, thank you for becoming one (: And to the old ones, thanks for sticking with me. I appreciate all of you and your patience. I hope to have something up for you soon. 


Alright so I think I'm going to be putting "Never Letting Go" on hold for a little bit. I have a summer story that I want to put all my focus on for this summer and I still have to figure out some things with NLG. I'm not sure when I'll resume writing it but most likely not before fall. But for anyone who might've read "No Summer Lasts Forever", I started a sequel and I will post a description, cover, and all that later on today. First chapter WILL be up on Saturday and I should be fairly on top of posting a chapter (at least one) each week since I already have several written. So yeah, I just wanted to let you all know (: 


I have been promised Ben & Jerry's ice cream if I get a certain amount of school related things done by tomorrow. So I have been working like crazy to get everything done that I need to in order for that to happen. I'll try to finish up the next chapter of Never Letting Go tomorrow evening (hopefully while eating a container of Ben & Jerry's!) and have it up then or Saturday morning! (: