
Hi Everyone!
          	Exams are coming to an end soon, so I will be able to finally post what I have been working on! I firstly would like to postpone Pheroxin, considering Umbrella Academy doesn't bring me that much joy anymore and I would like to express my own ideas.
          	In light of this, I have been planning a book series! "The Valencia Chronicles" will be in four parts, meaning four books! I am really excited about it, and I hope you guys like it! The first couple chapters will be out soon, but there's no real date.
          	Thank you for supporting me!
          	Lots of love,


Hi Everyone!
          Exams are coming to an end soon, so I will be able to finally post what I have been working on! I firstly would like to postpone Pheroxin, considering Umbrella Academy doesn't bring me that much joy anymore and I would like to express my own ideas.
          In light of this, I have been planning a book series! "The Valencia Chronicles" will be in four parts, meaning four books! I am really excited about it, and I hope you guys like it! The first couple chapters will be out soon, but there's no real date.
          Thank you for supporting me!
          Lots of love,


Hey Everyone!
          Words cannot express how grateful I am that Pheroxin has gotten nearly 300 reads! I want to thank everyone who's read it so far!
          More chapters will come out soon, I just need to find the time due to school! I love you all so much, thank you.
          Your Australian Writer,