
Hello! I just wanted to ask you if a Jehovah Witness could study for Criminology? I know it's kind of an odd question, but I'd really appreciate the information :)


@BrisaGega Hi, sorry for the late reply! I had school today...
            Anyway, that's a really good question. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure about the answer, and neither is my dad. Could you specify what a criminologist would do exactly? It'd help if I had some more information bc I really don't want to give you the wrong answer D:


Hello! I'm also a Jw! I'd like to ask you to please help write letters to Russia! Thanks!


Oops my username showed up at the begginning


@drrrr6 thats so cool! I think my congregation will do the same soon, and np! :)


@drrrr6 Oh,I heard about the news :( My service group actually wanted to get together and write letters after a day of preaching soon. Thank you for the reminder!


Hi @ProudJW's im glad to find yet another christian on this website, im happy your out there helping people online talking to them about jehovah im still at the young age 16 but i've come to know the truth really well and love it, so i hope you get some great people to join our christian family 


@My_ster_y1 I'm glad to have found you too :) And wow, you're 16?? It's absolutely wonderful that you've already come to accept and love the truth. Keep it up! I hope you get some great people to join us, too :)


Hello fellow JW
          I'm one myself (However I am still working towards baptism at a young age)
          I'm learning korean atm and I really want to go serve there when I'm older, sorry for the random message, i would like to say hi....


@RoimataLeevi01 Hi! Don't be sorry at all for saying hello. I love meeting other JWs, whether it be in real life or online. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? And at what age do you plan on getting baptized? I think it's a wonderful goal to have, and I hope you will be supported by friends and family every step of the way! 
            So you said you're learning Korean? I have a few friends in my congregation that are learning Korean too, actually. One of them just REALLY loves K-dramas and KPOP. She's convinced me to watch a few K-dramas.... But anyways! It's really cool that you're learning another language so that you could serve somewhere else. Don't give up, have faith in Jehovah, and I'm sure you'll reach your goals :)


why do Jehovah Witnesses not b/lieve in Jesus


@BeCa2801 Tnx for answering my questions :)


@BeCa2801 No, no, no, don't be sorry for asking perfectly good questions :)
            Are the JWs in your area and school baptized? JWs are most certainly supposed to believe in Jesus, because he is our savior and the son of God. I think that the JWs don't join your prayer though, because the way we pray are different from other Christian prayers. We pray to our God, Jehovah, in Jesus's name. Like, at the end of our prayers, we say something like, "... and all of this, we pray in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, amen."
            Yes, we do believe in Heaven! We don't believe that every good person will go to Heaven though, only a select few. But the good people (as in, they follow God and His commandments) that do not go to Heaven get the privilege of having everlasting life in Paradise in the future.


@BeCa2801  but the JWs in my area like in my skul keep on saying dat dey don't blve in Jesus and in skul whenever we pray in Jesus' name dey don't pray with us.
            Also do you guys blve in heaven? sorry if d questions r much. I'm just really curious