
I'm still alive.
          	New Chapters + A new fic in about 3 weeks when I am finished with all my exams


Hello guys!
          My second fanfiction is now published!
          The first chapter is a bit short, but the second will probably be very, VERY long! The first chapter is a nice little build-up to this tragic and wonderful story!
          And thanks a lot to Cesky, who helped draw the cover of the fanfiction because I had absolutely no time for it due to exams at my school!
          And don't worry, I'll of course keep writing "Bloody Fangs" as well! ;P ^-^


Hey guys! From the beginning of next week until march 1st, I won't be able to continue writing my fanfictions, because I have to pass 5 of the most importand exams at my school. But after that, I will continue writing. I'm already getting to finish the 4th chapter of "Bloody Fangs", so stay tuned! :D
          Fanfictions. Plural. Yup, I'm currently working on the concepts of 3 other fanfics. One of the concepts I finished a year ago but I now gave it its final polish, so it is worked out perfectly. The new fanfiction will most likely be released on Sunday.
          Have a nice day/evening/night/morning/whatever! <3 ^^