
this message may be offensive
Hello! General announcement. I looked at my notifications and saw someone commenting on the warnings I post on my smut oneshots that made me :/
          	This is a statement that I put that there to make ME feel comfortable. I don't give a fuck if you are a minor, you stumble upon my writing and proceed to ignore them and read anyway. That's on you. I was a teenager myself reading smut from people who were most likely adults as well, but do not comment and let me be aware that you are in fact ignoring my warnings and thus making me uncomfortable.
          	With that being said, I will be taking a indefinite break from posting my stories here on wattpad, I'm sorry to those that do like my works </3 I don’t know when or if I'll start posting here again. Take care everyone.


this message may be offensive
Hello! General announcement. I looked at my notifications and saw someone commenting on the warnings I post on my smut oneshots that made me :/
          This is a statement that I put that there to make ME feel comfortable. I don't give a fuck if you are a minor, you stumble upon my writing and proceed to ignore them and read anyway. That's on you. I was a teenager myself reading smut from people who were most likely adults as well, but do not comment and let me be aware that you are in fact ignoring my warnings and thus making me uncomfortable.
          With that being said, I will be taking a indefinite break from posting my stories here on wattpad, I'm sorry to those that do like my works </3 I don’t know when or if I'll start posting here again. Take care everyone.


Hello! I know I dont post often and I apologize, if you’d like to see more posts and updates on future stories follow my twitter!


Though out of my own comfort pls be 18 or older if you’d like to follow as Im a little uncomfy interacting with minors…


Happy one year to Bodyguard! A year ago today I decided to get into writing after not having written anything since my early years of high school, hopefully I can get back into writing and write more of Behind Closed doors! (Which I started writing the next chapter )
          I also may start writing some one shots as well!


Hello. I know it’s been quite some time since I last updated Behind Closed Doors, which I apologize for! But these days I don’t really have much motivation to write the next chapters so until I do, I may put that story in hiatus. I apologize to those who were reading it. Hopefully that hiatus won’t be long!


Maybe I’ll try to write one shots as a way to get myself motivated to write 


Bodyguard hit 10k reads and that makes me so emotional  I have been into writing fanfictions since I was 13 years old but have never had a story hit that many reads before so it makes me incredibly happy to see that milestone for it ❤️


Mannnn I been so into Genshin Impact lately, which is the main reason why I haven't been updating again. Do any of y'all play? If so you should send me your uids, I'll add you!!! 
          I also have been an emotional wreck with Mingi finally coming back. MY BOY!!!


Apologies for slow replies ^^ I been a little ill and in pain and had a few trips to the emergency room, but I’m okay! But I’ll still be pretty slow on replying until I’m better!


@-fckcooky thank you for understanding!


That’s alright! Take all the time you need and take care of yourself <3 


Not replies, updates, oops lol


The fact that I made it to 20 chapters on my woosan fanfic makes me really happy :”) Normally by this time or even before then I would have lost motivation to keep writing but seeing you all vote and comment on my story inspires me to keep writing, even if it isn’t the greatest it still makes me super happy to know you all enjoy it so much. <3