
Must publicly state 5 things you like about yourself on your message board and pass it on to your 10 favorite wattpadians.
          	1) my nails
          	2) my natural ability to make jokes out of the most depressing things
          	3) that I'm a spring baby
          	4) my level of sass
          	5) my ability to forgive
          	The first 10 people who read this are my favorite wattpadians, but I challenge everybody to go do this cuz why not. Go be productive and do this thing.


@PrincessIsobel2 Ima do it here cause idk lmao:
          	  1. My pretty cool, newly dyed hair
          	  2.  My writing ability
          	  3. I try my absolute best to keep from hurting others
          	  4. I like helping others
          	  5. I'm pretty good at math


@PrincessIsobel2 my 5 things that I like about myself 
    smile that i ought to keep in my hardest times too.
          	  2. I am good at forgiving people
          	  3.i rarely judge 
          	  4 I accept change.
          	  5.i look for positivity and I believe in myself
          	  Those who are reading this must publicly state 5 things about them


i flipped my wig off —


            i wanted to do a hair flip with a wig so i did and it flew off my head . therefore : i flipped my wig off