
Hello everyone, @Super_Nova1285 here. I'd like to inform everyone I will be leaving this joint account. 
          	The other owner and I are not on speaking terms so I think it's my time to leave for good. If you'd like to read my stories or read our only story on here, it'll be transferred over to my personal account @Super_Nova1285
          	I hope you all find your ways through this complicated world while I push my way past planets and stars.
          	I will now finally take my leave from this account.
          	The supreme leader of the bi's and enbys..
          	Signing off for the last time.


my stories will also be deleted off of here, so if you'd like to, read them on my account


Hello everyone, @Super_Nova1285 here. I'd like to inform everyone I will be leaving this joint account. 
          The other owner and I are not on speaking terms so I think it's my time to leave for good. If you'd like to read my stories or read our only story on here, it'll be transferred over to my personal account @Super_Nova1285
          I hope you all find your ways through this complicated world while I push my way past planets and stars.
          I will now finally take my leave from this account.
          The supreme leader of the bi's and enbys..
          Signing off for the last time.


my stories will also be deleted off of here, so if you'd like to, read them on my account


@FelixGrimm here. I already posted this on my account, but I'll post it here too, as this is the LGBTQ+ cult, and, as thee King of Gays, I can't let this slide.
          Anyway, here:
          I have received wind of the Trump Administration officially taking away LGBTQ+ rights. This means anyone of the LGBTQ+ community can be denied both hospital and healthcare services. There are many articles on it, showcasing images of real legal documents that have been signed. This is some real sick, twisted bullsh*t. Biden is our last hope here to resolve all this, unless people revolt or something, but I do not know how that would work out. All I'm saying is please try and find a way to do whatever you can and get back LGBTQ+ rights from this disgusting, feeble, nasty, dirty, racist and homo/transphobic Cheeto.
          Here are some articles on this nasty arse carp Trump is pulling, f*cking bich:

          You can find more articles by looking up 'Trump Administration taking away LGBTQ+ rights 2021' though...
          For any allies or fellow LGBTQ+ people, pray for each other, and best of luck. Stay safe, healthy, and hydrated. Love you all. <3 <3 <3
          (Cut some of the original message out to fit it on here, full original message is on my account).


@wtrmln_moon It all sucks, I know, I know. ;-;


@Pride_Cult *internal gay screeching*


Hello everyone! It is I! The Supreme Leader of the bisexual's and enbys, Nova!
          I would like to thank you all for joining our cult, Luka and I are both so excited to do this!
          I hope you all enjoy our books and recommendations! This will always be a safe place for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community and allies for anyone who may need help in this confusing time or want to meet others just like them!
          Thank you for follow and I appreciate your existence 