
I'm really thinking to delete my account. I wanna start over because I don't feel like my current self on this account.. I'm very much different than i was 3 years ago but at the same time I don't wanna forget who i've been, almost as if I don't wanna let this go, the past that is. 
          	Any advice? Anything you guys wanna say? What do you think i should do? Even though I basically don't exist here anymore... A response would be really great right now. 
          	Thank you. 
          	Stay fresh Kings and Queens


I'm really thinking to delete my account. I wanna start over because I don't feel like my current self on this account.. I'm very much different than i was 3 years ago but at the same time I don't wanna forget who i've been, almost as if I don't wanna let this go, the past that is. 
          Any advice? Anything you guys wanna say? What do you think i should do? Even though I basically don't exist here anymore... A response would be really great right now. 
          Thank you. 
          Stay fresh Kings and Queens


@Prettymell it may put a stump to your progress but it's also really good to look back and think that use to be me.
            It's up to you sweetie! ♥


@Prettymell keep the account my love!


hi!! omg i love the guitar, the piano and poetry too!
          if you have time maybe check out x 
          i think that we have the same taste in books and it's not mine so it's just a recommendation don't worry x if you have any books to recommend me, feel free to do so x


@nataliepotira hiiii!! Lol thanx babe i'll check it out 