
Unfortunately it seems I cannot get Wattpad to work properly on my phone so I’ll do my best with my old Chromebook which has a tendency to crash all the time in order to get things published


          I have news, first of all my laptop broke so if I’m able to push out any updates it’s gonna be through mobile so sadly organization will be all over the place, and my laptop is broken for the foreseeable future and I don’t currently have enough money to buy a new one that is also the quality I need. Secondly there is a chapter of both Monster and Freak Of Nature in the works so if I can get my act together then both books would have an update. Lastly I want to apologize for everything going crazy apart from the laptop breaking there was a death in the family and then I also got a girlfriend and went to a few parties so my life has taken an interesting turn and I’ve become far more social with my irl friends so it’s taken me a bit to find my writing capabilities again


Lowkey been having a fandom nostalgia explosion, or in other words I was reminded of MacGyver, modern Doctor Who, Supernatural, and my DC obsessions almost all at the same time so Monster is gonna be on a bit of a break while my mind cools off from all the fictional men and women I'm obsessing over.


For anyone wondering about my updates stopping recently, I'm going to be starting school again soon and need to prepare for classes. As well as I've been busy with personal projects that take priority. Updates should be starting up again after school starts.


I'm going on vacation in a few days (Thursday) and I don't believe I will have time to publish the next chapter before then. If I get a good bit done would you like me to publish what I have so far or a teaser for the next chapter?