
Its with a heavy heart that I anounce after this saturday I will no longer be using wattpad forever. Or any fanfiction for that matter. Saturday is my birthday and I feel that with turning 13 I should start reading real litterature instead of unpublished works. I have enjoyed talking and working with many of you and wish I could have gotten to know you in real life. So I encourage you to read my stories for the last time before I takr them down. Thank you for following me. Its been a true pleasure. 


Its with a heavy heart that I anounce after this saturday I will no longer be using wattpad forever. Or any fanfiction for that matter. Saturday is my birthday and I feel that with turning 13 I should start reading real litterature instead of unpublished works. I have enjoyed talking and working with many of you and wish I could have gotten to know you in real life. So I encourage you to read my stories for the last time before I takr them down. Thank you for following me. Its been a true pleasure. 


I finished Champion by Marie Lu today and the ending was perfect. You could tell. In so many books the people love each other but they never have real signs of love. When June let Day forget her that was the ultamite sign of love. And the ending had me in tears. 
          "Hi, Im Daniel."
          "Hi. Im June." 
          Her books are so deep. If you have not read the series then you should read Legend which is the first book.


Hi guys I just wanted to post this little thing. Death is the most beautiful thing in the world. Dont get me wrong it hurts. I should know. My dad died when I was 11. And the thing about pain is it demolishes your life. For a few weeks or months after a loved one dies you wont have a life. But eventually you'll either learn to build a new one of give up entirely. And giving up is ok. You have to be weak to let your real self find you. But just remember thay anger and grief can be your best friends. Hey will help you blossom into a beautiful person that is worth being. But the pain will never get better. People think that with time the pain will dull but that isn't true. It will always be there but in time you'll have to learn to navigate around it, but it will never be gone. You just have to learn that it isn't your fault. This is hard. Believe me I know. So hard


Ok guys so you know the song:Let it snow let it snow let it snow? I have a huge fan theory behind that:
          Let it snow let it snow let it snow: Let president sniw rule.
          Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful: The capitol is scary, but the rebellion is safe and hopeful.
          And as long as you love me so, let it snow let it snow let it snow: As long as Katniss and Peeta are 'in love' snow will stay in power.
          SPREAD THIS PLEASE!!!!!!