
Tea tresses. It feels like an age. :3


@PopcornPineapple Yep, iss human nature, I suppose. :3 Just like laughing, yawning, skipping ads. u.u
            Lol, I don't know how I'd carry on with my story without a plan. Yeah, it can get tedious, but it's all worth it when your chapters start churning themselves out, 'cause you've already done all the hard work. x3
            Favourite subject? I guess it'd be science. Physics. :3


@Salient- That’s so true, that you can't help but to worry. I always tell people not to worry but I rarely follow my own advice :(
            I always struggle with writing plans when I’ve tried- even when we have to do essays for English and they tell us to plan, I don’t. I just find it really boring, and quite often run out of ideas, so end up writing as I go (which doesn’t really work either). Honestly, I admire you for planning bc I'm pretty sure I'm hopeless at it :/
            Hmm :) If you don't mind me asking another question, what's your favourite subject? 


@PopcornPineapple Eh, it's in the nature of exams. You can't help but worreh about them. Luckily time takes away all your worries. :3
            Oh, I so relate. Just today I was choosing between six different plotlines of mine as to which to pursue wholly and completely, and honestly? It's like choosing which of your children to send to school.
            Yeah, I used to write "as it came" for a few chapters, until my plot dwindled away into nothingness. :( But then planning came along and blessed my life. :) Now I make chapter-by-chapter plans about what's happening in each bit.
            Hmm, yeah. Imma try uploading on Monday; hope Wattpad's fixed by then. Somewhat. :3
            Glad you liked the summary! ^-^
            Heh. Let's just say, I'm still in education. :3