
Hey, I don't know if u have read my story or not, if u have, I have a really advanced school so it's hard to update, if you haven't please read it! Also I'm thinking of putting up another story, I already have a few chapters written on my school notebook from when I have free time, if u are intrigued message me and I'll message back the description but I PROMISE that I will update on that one!


Hey, I don't know if u have read my story or not, if u have, I have a really advanced school so it's hard to update, if you haven't please read it! Also I'm thinking of putting up another story, I already have a few chapters written on my school notebook from when I have free time, if u are intrigued message me and I'll message back the description but I PROMISE that I will update on that one!


@bitemyambition i love your books everlasting love and fight for my love (I think I got those right) and I like anger management too! I haven't read your others because I don't like to read any until they have more chapters, but I will definitely check them out! I love the female characters you make up, and how strong they are, unlike Bella in Stephanie Meyers books where she is depressed and bland all the time! I love when the female characters are like that. Also, I tend to read ALOT and FAST so if you have any recommendations, on other Seth Clearwater stories, or Jacob black or Paul Lahote, or any book you really like, please tell me about them! Thanks for your awesome writing skills, can't wait for more chapters!


Rewrote my story, I had another chapter I was about to put up but my iPod erased it all!!! I'll post it in the next day or two, and I'm gonna post a new story as well... All if my stories will have one thing in common, and it is my personality, and/or some real life experiences