
I kind of forgot about Wattpad these last few months and one day I will finish a story (probably not for a while), but in the time I have not been on here I met the whole of Joker Out in London, which was crazy and I'm still not over that!! And I'm seeing them next week in Paris, Antwerp and Cologne and I'm attending all the UK shows hopefully!! So yeah I won't be online again for a while but I hope everyone here is doing well :)


I kind of forgot about Wattpad these last few months and one day I will finish a story (probably not for a while), but in the time I have not been on here I met the whole of Joker Out in London, which was crazy and I'm still not over that!! And I'm seeing them next week in Paris, Antwerp and Cologne and I'm attending all the UK shows hopefully!! So yeah I won't be online again for a while but I hope everyone here is doing well :)


Again sorry for not being active on here! Today is my first full day of being home after the Amsterdam concert and I still can't believe it happened I had such a great experience with my friends and I managed to get barricade on Kris' side which was unbelievable!!


so glad you had a good time 


Heyy guys sorry for not posting any new chapters for the Milky Way as you may know I will be going to Amsterdam next week to see Joker Out again!! AAAA I can't wait, it also means I won't be active much and I won't be able to finish it until after the concert! I will hopefully work on it around Christmas time but I will finish it (eventually)


I'm sure you will get to see them eventually <3


lucky! i live in america so i can’t see them even though i really want to.


The next chapter of Milky Way will be done probably after this week (around week commencing 20th Nov). since I'm working tommorow then I am off to Amsterdam for the Het Grote Feest! Maybe I will get some inspiration for the next chapter whilst I am actually there! Sorry for the long gaps in chapters it's just that I don't have time and I don't want it to be rushed!!


4PM BST TODAY FIRST CHAPTER FOR MILKY WAY! I will try finishing the next chapter for it this week since I have a lot of time but I say that every time and then I don't post on here for like a month! I promise I have some drama planned for this one! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS STORY!


GUYS SET YOUR ALARMS FOR 4PM ON 20/10 AS I WILL BE PUBLISHING THE INTRODUCTION FOR MY NEW STORY I AM WRITING! I still have yet to finish the first chapter of it but I wanted to post the introduction so that it would encourage me to spend more time on it. I also need to write another chapter on Bojan's POV but I honestly don't know where the story is going but when I have time I will finish that one!
