
Hello Everyone, I was thinking of changing accounts to another to help with my anonymity. Nothing is wrong or changing just the account. It saddens me to put this account to rest but I think it'll be worth it. During this process I will be editing my chapters for spelling errors and etc. Thank you all so much for everything.


@PinknessSuccubus What will the new account user be?


@ PinknessSuccubus  okayy


Hey, I saw that you might not use this account anymore, I wanted to ask you if there’s any update on the Sparity story at all please? And if you’re continuing it? It’s really good and thank you so much! 


@kittypais229 Yes, ofcourse! I'm in college right now and taking care of my baby sister so I've been pretty busy. Do not worry though, I do plan on finishing it and might update this week :) 


Hello Everyone, I was thinking of changing accounts to another to help with my anonymity. Nothing is wrong or changing just the account. It saddens me to put this account to rest but I think it'll be worth it. During this process I will be editing my chapters for spelling errors and etc. Thank you all so much for everything.


@PinknessSuccubus What will the new account user be?


@ PinknessSuccubus  okayy


Most of my 'X Reader's will always be a Fem!Reader. Not because I'm homophobic or against gay rights but, it is just easier for me to write. Purely because I am girl so naturally I am prone to feminine thoughts. I also find it distasteful and cliche to make one boy super masculine and the other really girly.
          It makes no sense to me. Yes there are relationships like that, but when someone looks like a girl, sounds like a girl and acts like a girl what is the point of making them a boy in a gay relationship? 
          I feel like it is overused and is NEVER properly delivered. What do you guys think?


Howdy, everybody. I decided to put my 'X Readers' a little bit on hold for personal reasons. Thank you for understanding. If you'd like to know why, keep reading...
          Due to me being born a pisces I'm automatically prone to be imaginative, inventive and to be in a constant dreamy state. I can make a story about anything. I can draw character beautifully and have a whole idea of what I'm doing with it. If you take notice all of these things are in my head or linked to my pure imagination. Since forever my imagination and constant daydreams are what have been keeping me Sane. Without them I don't know where I'd be because everytime I snap out of it and enter 'the real world' again I hate it. I hate everything about it. And I hate everything about me. Because I have this constant fairytale in my head and have a picture in my head and that picture is my life and I expect it to be exactly like that. My hard work means nothing to people. My ideas mean nothing to people. And I mean nothing to people. It's to snap back into reality and stay in reality because these fanfictions are probably the reason why I find it so hard to interact with real people and relate to real people and make real people laugh and make real people actually enjoy my presence and notice when I'm missing. I have none of that in real life. So I will stay away from wattpad writing and reading because it reminds me how I'm so alone in the world to where god isnt even on my side...
          (and plz dont Msg me about how he Is and how he loves all his children because I've been fed that so many times I'm sick of it, because no results have came to me by being a good person and a good Christian)
          Thank you for reading and I'm not suicidal, I'm just going through a phase in life where i feel sorry for myself.


Howdy, everyone. Since the school year has been a but rough on me, I feel the need to alert you that I probably wont be free till summer. I would gladly put my education and future first before my stories. I'm very sorry about this, I will update as much as I can. You all mean alot to me and I'm sorry for letting you down. Please forgive me and thank you for understanding.


Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope all of you got lots and lots of gifts and ugly socks you wont wear till next Christmas!!!! I had a great year I got everyone lots of presents and they all loved it! So Merry Christmas again! And a Happy New year!