
Hiya, just wanted to check in and say sorry for my inconsistency these past few weeks. Rest assured, I’m working to get back on track—just dealing with a few things right now. Love you all and can’t wait to post the rest of book 3! Adios!


Hiya, just wanted to check in and say sorry for my inconsistency these past few weeks. Rest assured, I’m working to get back on track—just dealing with a few things right now. Love you all and can’t wait to post the rest of book 3! Adios!


Hello my little munchkins! I have returned from the Holiday Aether! HA HA!! Yes, I am still alive! Despite getting sick in the stomach, celebrating Christmas and the New Year, plus two birthdays, I am still alive! Sorry for the long wait, but rest assured, the story continues now! I always get seasonal depression anyhow, so makes sense my upload schedule gets a little wonky this time of year, but, as per usual, once the holidays pass, my mind immediately starts looking forward to summer, so I am in a much better mood right now! Lol! Who else can’t wait for some surf and sun this year? I’ve got a good feeling about this one, too :) Anyhoo, gotta get back to work. See you all next week!


IT’S 11:27PM, BUT WHO CARES?! HA HA! I FINALLY HAVE A RELEASE DATE!!! (I don’t know how to upload the poster I made (you can see it if ya want at my website, but instead of leaving this post empty and pathetic, here is a rough version of what the poster looks like…
          								     \   /
          								    *    *
              								/      |	\
          								AUGUST 20
          						LEGENDS OF NINJAGO
          								BOOK 3


@Pinkiemachine I screamed yes so loud it echoed through my house. 


To be honest, seeing your fic is honestly pretty interesting. I saw your tumblr. Morro and your OC, Keaton, being siblings, eh? I wonder how will you explain why Morro's wind is dark green, given that it's shown in flashbacks when he was a child and still human.
          And now I'm wondering how will you handle Lloyd becoming good and eventually, becoming the Green Ninja, and how will Nya get her water powers.


Update from the writer’s room!
          K, so, writing hasn’t been going as great as books 1 & 2, unfortunately. Book 3 is giving me some attitude…. Bleh… I’m currently, kind, a little bit… stuck… and I don’t know when I shall be un-stuck… it pains me to say, because I was really hoping I would have fixed this problem back in November, but I’ve been beating my head against the wall as hard as I can, and nothing’s happening… yet… So, optimistically, we’ll be looking at a spring release. Yay. Here’s hoping I actually deliver this time  


@Pinkiemachine  take your time dont rush things. I'm sure your going to get some ideas just take some time.


@Pinkiemachine Writer's block is the WORST! Take all the time you need. Usually what helps me is working on other stories to get myself motivated again or just simply stepping away for a while and give myself time to breathe and get the creative juices flowing. 


@Pinkiemachine Don't Stress, Just Take Your Time :)


Where You At? Its Been A While. You Ok?


@Ninjonic Aw Thats Good To Hear! Glad To Know That You're Doing Ok. And Thanks For The Holiday Wishes, And So, Right Back At You! :)


@Ninjonic Lol, I’ve been good!  I know it’s been quite some time since my last update huh? Well, truth be told, I’ve been veryveryveryveryvery busy lately. It’s been hectic. Lots of drama, lots of holiday stuff, lots of everything  I’m still chipping away at book 3 (it’s taking a bit longer than I thought it would because I want to make sure it’s even better than the last two books) but hopefully, it should still be coming out this winter. Just, maybe February rather than January. I’ll do my best to keep you guys updated!  Thanks for checking though! It actually warms my heart a bit to know that there are people out there who are actively excited to see my work! Happy Holidays to you and yours!