
While I'm still going to be bussy, next month is looking a little better then the last 2. I should have a bit more free time to work on a new chapter
          	Which story should I work on next? Pokemon diaper moon, forced to save dreamland,  or brownie points for the babysitter.


Brownie points!!!


While I'm still going to be bussy, next month is looking a little better then the last 2. I should have a bit more free time to work on a new chapter
          Which story should I work on next? Pokemon diaper moon, forced to save dreamland,  or brownie points for the babysitter.


Brownie points!!!


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Just another month and a half to go untill I can get back to writing.  My work schedule has been fucking killing me. Especially the night shifts followed by an early morning shift. Those have wrecked my sleep schedule. But thankfully it's almost over and I can go back to a more normal schedule


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going on another writing hiatus. my job at the hospital picked up and im working more hours then normal. mainly due to the cook moving and another coworker now taking their place. so until we get someone new in, im filling in that position. 
          as of right now, my scheduled is packed for at least 3 months. (longer depending how long it takes to get someone new in and trained.)
          to make it worse, im filling in the morning position. i am not a morning person. -_-
          its hard for me to fall asleep early, and i never feel like i get enough sleep. so when i get home, i feel exhausted and cant focus on anything. (ive tried to write all week but have nothing.) 
          i wont be leaving or anything. ill still be commissioning art and stuff. and if i get some brakes in my shit scheduled, i will be trying to write when possible. just thought i would let you all know. sorry for any inconvenience again.


@PinkTheDinosaur remember to eat and sleep first and formost. Then focus on your mental health. We'll still be here when you get back :3


@ PinkTheDinosaur  Strength to you, God watches over you 


@PinkTheDinosaur It's a shame there haven't been any updates for a while, I was so excited to see what happened with your Forced to save dreamland story, but well I wish you luck and I hope everything turns out well for you. I want to see what art can come. Greetings and I hope your return doesn't take long.


new update! ^w^
          Brownie points has just been finished and is currently undergoing editing. so it and its new art pice should be posted within a few days. 
          i have also finished a sexual one shot ive been working on my phone all month and am currently editing it as well. i should have it posted within a few hours. 
          ive also just been paid and have ordered 3 new art pics to be made. 
          one for Tinny intruder. Ella is going to jail.
          one for my Ben 10 idea. (i couldn't get the idea out of my head."
          and a special one for dreamland. Amani's breasts are going to get bigger. ;)
          ill now be working on the next Pokemon chapter!


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Hope you all had a great year and will have a fantastic new year! 
          Last year I made new friends, lost some friends, and had to deal with assholes. But overall, I think I had a good year. 
          Last year I made some resolutions. Finish DL Games, commission ten art pieces, and write at least one new chapter for each of my ongoing stories. 
          Well, DL Games 2 was a complete flop. While I miss a few friends from this project, I dont regret what was said. I still won't put up with crybullies. 
          Ironically, I did commission exactly ten pieces. My favorite has to be Alex and Bab. it's so cute ^w^. The only commission I regret getting is Karura from kengan ashura. Next month will be a full year, and Yuhi-Tan still hasn't finished the full commission. Oh well. I just dont plan on commissioning them again.
          As for one new chapter for my stories, I did that and then some, lol. I wasn't expecting to move to Pixiv, but the chance to back up all my stories plus update them was a great decision. I feel most of them now are the best they can be at this time. 
          Plus it helped get me a lot of watchers!
          I also wasn't expecting to rewrite The Little Thief into Tinny Intruders, but im glad I did. I worked too hard on that story for it to go to waste, and soon, I will have more to the story!
          I would also like to thank those who helped me with silvercat654656. That asshole still has the first chapter of my work up, and still doesn't have permission, but thanks to a lot of you, we managed to get most of it taken down. Hopefully, he will write his own version instead of stealing what I wrote. 
          But enough of last year. Let's look forward to this one.
          I want to do three more resolutions. 
          The first is another ten art pieces. Already got one planed and about to commission.
          Second, get up to 2,300 watchers. Im at 2,090 right now, so this will be a big goal to achieve!
          Third, find, play, and review 2 or 3 ABDL games.


Happy grinch-Mas! May your trash cans be full of dirty diapers! ^w^
          (I got myself a Grinch costume and am going to be passing out presents to my godkids .  It's going to be fun lol.)
          Sadly, it looks like my goal of one more chapter before the year is done won't happen.  Sorry. Still have some writer's block on one part of brownie points that's holding the chapter back. Doesn't help that I've been working split days and having family stuff at the same time.
          Might just bust out a quick one-shot and call it good if need be.
          Good news though, next month I won't be as busy so I should be able to do more. 
          Hope you have a great Christmas, and let me know if Santa brought you anything fun!


@HOWLER1962  dont worry. im not pushing myself. I've learned from past mistakes that it doesn't help lol.


@PinkTheDinosaur just don't push yourself too hard specially with the weird hours you are working. I did security and THAT MESSES UP YOUR BODY so do some give and take as much as you can . And RELAX ALOT.


hope you all had a happy thanksgiving. ^w^ 
          mine had some family problems, but overall it was a good time. wanted to give an update on what is planed and what is being worked on.
          Brownie Points with the Babysitter ch11 outline has been approved and ill be starting work on that soon. 
          while i was waiting on that to be approved, i also started on ch23 of Pokemon diaper moon. i am 1/5 done with it. 
          im hopping to get these two chapters done before the end of the year. 
          lastly, the second Christmas art for Tinny intruders had to be slightly delayed. had to send money to family so i had to cancel the commission. im hoping to restart it next week or the week after.
          but i did order something for Amani last week and im looking forward to showing you all when its done. ^w^


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finaly! i have finished the move to Pixiv! (for the most part.) now i dont have to worry about my account losing all my stories and art if my DA gits shut down. 
          and im glad to have updated all of my old stories. it was fun going back to pollish them up and i know a lot of people got to see my old works and fall in love with them. ^w^
          i even got to repost Simon says and completely remake Tinny intruder.
          im looking forward to eventually writing the sequel to Tinny intruder. and i would once again like to thank those that helped me deal with that dumbass trying to steal my work. ^w^
          now that im done, here is what comes next. 
          i will be finishing chapter 26 of Forced to save dreamland. i was half done with it before the DA removing Diaper art scare. so im looking forward to finishing it. i might actually make it longer as a way to say sorry for the long wait. 
          after that, one of two things will be next. 
          the Christmas one shot for tinny intruder, (waiting on the art to start.)
          or Brownie points with the baby sitter chapter 11
          im hopping to get them done before Christmas but knowing my luck, thats unlikely. but i can still hope! anyway, thank you all for sticking with me during this weird time and for understanding. ^w^


@LollosFluffyCorner sure i can take a look when i can. ^w^


@DBstory  you know, i keep forgeting i can do that. ill add it in a bit but i can post it here as well.