
Long time no see y'all. 
          	So sorry I haven't been active, with school and my horse things got pretty crazy and I just never had time. I also had no motivation or ideas for any of my "books". 
          	But I am slowly coming back, yet I still have school and have to feed horses twice a day so I really don't know what's going to happen. 
          	Thank you all for sticking around if you have :)
          	- Kota


Long time no see y'all. 
          So sorry I haven't been active, with school and my horse things got pretty crazy and I just never had time. I also had no motivation or ideas for any of my "books". 
          But I am slowly coming back, yet I still have school and have to feed horses twice a day so I really don't know what's going to happen. 
          Thank you all for sticking around if you have :)
          - Kota