
If you missed it, I posted Chapter 40 of Ignoring History! We're 2/3 of the way through now!!


If anyone remembers Greenhouse One, I may or may not started working on it again... Chapter One may have just been rewritten... A new cover may have been made... 
          (Greenhouse One being my Harry Potter fanfiction about Ally, a very lost muggleborn Ravenclaw during her first year at Hogwarts. It is very much the least fanfic-y fanfic I've ever written because it takes on more middle grade themes than anything. And if someone responds to this post, I will start rambling about this.)


Heck, I'm going to ramble about this even though no one's said anything. 
            We all know Neville's first year story. A Gryffindor who doesn't believe he's brave enough to be a Gryffindor. 
            Now take Ally: a Ravenclaw who doesn't believe herself to be smart enough to be in Ravenclaw --- this feeling being especially heightened because she is a muggleborn who had no idea Hogwarts existed up until a couple months before the first day of class. 
            Literally a match made in heaven. 
            (platonically because they are both eleven at the time greenhouse one occurs... but the romance is what book two AKA a collection of one-shots is for) 
            Okay, I'll stop talking now.


I don’t use the DM feature a lot here anymore, but it still kinda stinks that Wattpad is getting rid of it. I liked having the option. But if anyone wants a way to message me after Wattpad removes it on May 6th, feel free to DM me for my Discord. 


omg right? i haven’t used this account in ages. it when i got the notification it saddened me greatly :/


on the verge of writing a MCU x Oppenheimer fanfic because last i checked, there were none on Ao3 and that’s kind of a crime 


@vintagelavenderskies @TheGoodShip 
            coming to y’all 2030 at this rate… 
            (this is harder than i thought it would be but im hoping that summer goes well and i have a decent number of chapters or at least a good plan) 


@PilindielTheElf Now that you mention it, if you wrote it, I'd probably read it


Hey, my amazing wonderful friend! I just wanted to tell you how lucky I am to know you!
          Send this to ten other people you're lucky to know!
          Have a great day ahead!
          ㅤ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢀⣤⣄
          ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆ ⣠⣶⣿⣶⡀


Has anyone got any good RA fic recommendations? I need more


@Fl0ssBl0ss I will also suggest you look into Ao3 for some fics! I believe the fandom is fairly active in posting stories over there :) 