Just a small town girl,living in a lonely world.She took the midnight train going anywhere.The girl was alone.No more than a few souls on that train.It was expected this late at night.She didn't mind though;she was used to it.Her hair was pulled back into pigtails.She liked the hairstyle;it made it so she didn't have to worry about hair in her face as her eyes traced the lines of her favorite novel.She often rode the train to escape reality,the book helped too.No one and nothing bothered her.It was just her,her book,and the sound of train tracks.The girl shut her book,closed her eyes,and drifted off into the world of her own imagination.She never wanted to wake up,I don't think she really ever did.Forever with a creative mind,a loving heart,and a pair of rose colored glasses.Life was good-no,life was great.
She tapped her pencil against her notebook to the tune of a song that was stuck in her head.It was irritating but her soft humming and tapping of even the most annoying song was better than loud,suffocating,lonely silence.Braids sweeped her black hair to behind her ears only to have it pop back in front of her face second later.If curly hair like hers was good for anything it was getting in her mouth.She would have to stick it into braids again,she thought.She felt the silence getting louder and her tapping began feeling too quiet,the air too stale.She opened a window and popped in her earbuds.She hated silence.There was noise everywhere.Everywhere but when you were alone.She thought back to her list of inspirational quotes.

What would Hermione do?

That wasn't any good.Maybe...

Hamilton wrote the other 51

It got the gears turning but she needed more..

"It all started in Ho Chi Min City one summer.It was sweltering by anyone's standards.Needless to say,Artemis Fowl would not be willing to put up with such discomfort unless it was extremely important.Important to the plan..."

Got it.Inspiration is a go.
Me: 1
Writer's Block: 0
  • JoinedAugust 31, 2018
