
Just wanna say sorry for not being active much for a while but I plan to be more active now that it's summer and I have more free time. Thanks to all of my followers so happy I got to 200!!


You've been flooding me - literally FLOODING me - with notifications. How are you not sick of me yet, darling girl? ❤ Thank you for taking the time to read my stories!


@daveed-senpai it's no inconvenience I have a lot to read I just can't wait to know what happens next :p I love your Harry Potter stories (and the Merlin oneshot) just update as soon as you can I hope you get un-busy soon! And I'll make sure to keep commenting XD


@Phoe-nix Don't be sorry at all! Keep the comments coming!  And I plan on updating as soon as possible - I'm swamped with other work at the moment, however, and everything is coming to me slowly.. Sorry about the inconvenience!


@daveed-senpai I also find it really funny that you called me "darling girl" XD