
I'm sorry to say this to you all, but I won't be posting chapters for awhile. I'm not leaving or anything like that but I got some family stuff to deal with. Nothing serious, but I will be gone for 2 weeks at least, I apologize again for this. 
          	Also, I hope you all have a good day and or night. I'll see you all in 2 weeks, hopefully.


Seriously, where are you?It's been over a month.Are you having writers block or something? If it's a real world thing then i'm ok with that and if it's Writers block That's also okay not if you're just postponing this just for the kicks and giggles that is not cool


I can understand how you are feeling.I too had to do more work in order to graduate and get to the point where I could continue down a path I wanted Take. So take all the time you need So you can Enjoy yourself writing You're amazing story and continue to make us all laughing seriously how do you keep doing it every chapter I am laughing myself silly and the intensity of this story is extremely so don't feel rushed just please give us a heads up on your Situation next time, so we can encourage you. And give you the time you need for yourself, so thank you for telling me how you are sorry. I didn't know you were going through this situation.


@3ndthewar1945 Sorry, I have been busy and very stressed recently. So much that I haven't been able to write. You were right, I am having writer's block, well I was. You see, I am going to be graduating from my highschool soon so I am VERY nervous and panicking. I do not wanna mess anything up or cause something that'll have me end up not graduating.
            I am--correction, I had fewer credits than what I needed to pass, but luckily I managed to save myself from failing. I have been free from stuff relating to that for 3 weeks but I had been de-stressing myself the whole time.
            I apologize to you, and to all the people who have been waiting for me to post another chapter. I didn't mean to be gone for so long the stress of graduating has gotten the best of me and the fear of returning here after not posting anything for a month got the best of me as well.
            I am currently writing the next chapter as I write this, I am 5418 words in it right now. I should be able to finish it by today or the next day.
            Again, I am sorry for being gone for so long and I thank you for your patience with me.
            I hope you and everyone else will have a wonderful day or night.


I'm sorry to say this to you all, but I won't be posting chapters for awhile. I'm not leaving or anything like that but I got some family stuff to deal with. Nothing serious, but I will be gone for 2 weeks at least, I apologize again for this. 
          Also, I hope you all have a good day and or night. I'll see you all in 2 weeks, hopefully.