
Hello everyone, 
          	This is a surprise, after five-ish years I am back! I started writing when I was 11/12 and honestly, I read my previous "writing" and I cringe. BUT, I'm currently working on a book titled "Him." I should be able to publish it sometime this week. 
          	Thank you to all who have continuously stuck by me. Much love to you all and I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and well.


Hello everyone, 
          This is a surprise, after five-ish years I am back! I started writing when I was 11/12 and honestly, I read my previous "writing" and I cringe. BUT, I'm currently working on a book titled "Him." I should be able to publish it sometime this week. 
          Thank you to all who have continuously stuck by me. Much love to you all and I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and well.


Hey Guys! I know it's been a while but I just wanted to let you into what my thoughts were.
          Since I wrote these stories when I was really young, I feel like they're not good enough for public reading. So I'm planning on taking all (if not most) of my stories down and restarting new and fresh! 
          Tell me your guys opinion on this please and you will hear from me soon :) 


@Perks_Wallflower NOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T I will cry if you do!!!!


Hey Guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating at all and I definitely feel really bad but I've just been so busy lately! People are still reading TPIPM and it honestly wanna so much to me! Some of you guys even went the extra mile and messaged me, telling me to continue "The Arranged Marriage To A Prince" 
          I'll definitely try to update as soon as I can and thank you everyone for supporting me! 