
Chapter 19 of PITG is now up! I'm excited about being back. Hope you guys enjoy it!


Hi everyone! I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know that my life has been super hectic the past few weeks and I haven’t gotten the chance to actually sit down and write. 
          Next week is looking a little better so I’m hoping I’ll be able to get the next chapter out sometime between Monday and Wednesday! 
          I promise I haven’t left you guys hanging! 
          Thank you all for reading and happy holidays!


I am no longer asking for help on Pawn in the Game but if you have any suggestions for future plotlines, feel free to let me know! I'm always open to collaborating and I will always make sure that credit is given to those who help!


          My writer's block is gone and I'm flying through this chapter. It's around 85% done and I will be finishing and publishing tomorrow morning (US time zones). With that being said this is a chapter with heavier subject matter. There are topics such as loss and grief discussed so if that is something that triggers you, be weary of this chapter.


I am experiencing a rough case of writers block:( this is the first time since starting Pawn in the Game that I am just totally stuck. Usually I’ll walk away from the story for a few days and come back with good ideas but this time it just ain’t working out. 
          With that being said my dear readers, I have no idea when the next chapter will be out. I’m shooting for anywhere from Monday to Wednesday of next week but I make no promises. 
          I hope you guys are doing better than I am and survived the hellacious time that was the Mercury retrograde that just ended❤️