
Compared to last chapter of Son of Icarus this one is kind of short 


I do apologize for not posting the next chapter of Son of Icarus: Decadence of Death.
          At the moment I’m settling into a new schedule at work, don’t worry I’ll try to post by tomorrow! Thank you very much everyone 


So officially I technically finished the Decadence of death for the Son of Icarus series. Unofficially, I still have to go through it and fix a lot of errors before I keep posting chapters  but every Monday I’ll be adding to that. I’ll be working Spy sequel and Part time hero, the other stories I am going over slowly as they are hopefully part of a bigger series I will want to do in the future. Thank you for all who keep reading my work!


I have not updated I a good long while. Basically got a new job finally, and now I’m a teacher for a college trade school. So I’m usually very busy now but I’ve been trying to find time to write. I’ve also been trying to slowly update sorry it’s taking so long guys


Been job hunting as of late, and study for a certification exam. Just wanted to say I am still working on all the stories, I’m just very picky and been revising a lot while also fixing some errors. Let me know if you see any errors in my writings or have questions. I would love feed back, doesn’t have to be a comment 


I do apologize to everyone for such slow updates, been dealing with the end of my school year, trouble at work, and been trying to apply to a new and better work environment. I’m still writing, just not updating, it’s hard to feel confident when you feel this low. But I hope you guys will still enjoy whatever I post up. Feed back is greatly appreciated, comments are nice if you rather send a pm that’s okay too, I thank you all!


I unpublished His Bloodsucker, But only cause I want to try and make it a full story and not just some drafts. Also working on the other stories, Part time hero will be late on update. My grandmother passed away yesterday, and I have to juggle school work and home life as we prepare the funeral. Sorry to everyone for being so on and off with my updates 


@Penitty don't worry about it us fans will wait patiently for your upcoming updates and also a full story of Bloodsucker. My condolences to your grandma we're here for you xoxo keep it up take the time you need to recover or get back to writing XD I'll be rooting for ya, fighting!