
Okay so I just finished the whole of Sherlock and I'm actually falling apart like honestly it was so good 


Okay can I just say that @221b_blogger101 deserves some sort of award for all her books her latest ones just make life worth living


I freaking loved the book and its so hard to find any Tom Hiddleston X readers and when I saw that you published it I screamed
            Second yeah just Lockdowns really hard rn and home life is getting a bit much ❤️


I had to put down my phone to scream into my pillow- first off thank you so freaking much?????? I’m so happy you like them!!!
            Secondly, honey bear, are you ok???


Can we just take a moment to respect how good @221b_blogger101 is at writing like it's honestly what makes my day, a new update from her


Yes you do I love your books so much I genuinely smile so much when I read them or see there's an update on one of your books you're amazing ❤️❤️


Right- I’ve stayed up all night- I’m sleep deprived and now I’m sobbing- why are you so nice????? I don’t deserve this-


Duuuuude everyone is deleting their eboys fanfics and it makes me sad because they worked so hard on them and I love them and so do so many other people if the eboys laugh at em. It’s because they think they can do better  
          Yeet I’m out.