
Hey, it’s me.
          	I feeling like a piece of garbage and struggle with writing again. So exhausting I know. Happy 2024 and all. Hope y’all had a great start to a new year. (I didn’t)
          	So to start of this fantastic year… y’all can follow me on insta where I have absolutely nothing posted but maybe I’ll get the motivation to write more if the follower count rises. Just saying.
          	Also Ready or Not is such a fantastic game. I love it. Best weapon in game is the MCX, you can’t change my mind. Though the game is kinda unplayable without the right mods. It’s still a great game and y’all should all check it out.
          	Guess I’ll have to go back to writing soon… I feel so much pain…
          	One last question to the RWBY fanboys out there. Who is the hottest character in the franchise? There is only one correct answer and everybody else is wrong. Well there is a second correct answer but she’s a close second.
          	So that’s all for now. 
          	Follow me on Insta bois.


@Pelach hottest rwby character would be ruby for me tbh


I know Ultrakill. It’s a good game.


@Pelach did you ever try ultrakill ?
          	  is a game
          	  you can play


Hello my friend, I am reading your book for the second time and I must admit that it is a masterpiece, in fact I liked that you do not try to humanize the N51 soldiers and show them as good guys, I especially like that they are actually cold-blooded special forces as they are must be
          pursuing purely your goals without fear of destroying the enemy, continue in the same spirit, you showed the reapers of Nevada as they should really be
          And I really hope that we will see a continuation soon and that you will find the strength to write a new chapter.
          PS: sorry for my possibly crooked English


@Pelach I wouldn't say that your book is mediocre, in my opinion your story is wonderful I love stories about soldiers who are not guided by moral boundaries but are guided by logic and principles


Damn. Reading that made me really happy. Glad you like it that much and that you enjoy my mediocre at best writing.
            Life‘s hell but I’ll see to it that I’ll whip a chapter out.


you dead yet (im joking) but anyways i just finished your shadows over frontline book and lockjaw is dead and its left on a cliffhanger but it was great


Nah, I died. It was a painful and ugly death. And it’s called stress. Sorry man. I’m just very busy lately and hardly find the time to write. My motivation was always low but now it’s at an all time low. I can’t promise anything about writing soon. I can try but my chapters are long and take a lot of thought.
            I hope you understand and I’m sorry for letting you and the rest with my laziness down.
            Farewell until hopefully soon.


so do you still alive ?


Fine. I’m feeling fine. Thank you for asking.


ey , how ya doin' ?


Right now I have a bunch of family problems. Drowning in stress and I have to move out soon because of problems with my step mother.
            Life is fun, so I’m sorry but I’ll have to postpone my writing until I’m in my new home. That will be in like two to three weeks.
            Sorry for the inconvenience and I’m happy that you’re waiting for me to pick up my work again.
            Appreciate it :)


Yo, how are you doing, bro?


@Pelach Aight, that's good to know, and you're welcome. About that last part, though... I agree.


I‘m holding up fine. Life’s getting a bit difficult and stressful but it’s all good.
            I’ll continue to write on the next chapter soon i promise. I’ll have it out about next week. 
            Thanks for asking.
            Oh and between us… Azula from Avatar the last airbender is kinda hot…


Hey, it’s me.
          I feeling like a piece of garbage and struggle with writing again. So exhausting I know. Happy 2024 and all. Hope y’all had a great start to a new year. (I didn’t)
          So to start of this fantastic year… y’all can follow me on insta where I have absolutely nothing posted but maybe I’ll get the motivation to write more if the follower count rises. Just saying.
          Also Ready or Not is such a fantastic game. I love it. Best weapon in game is the MCX, you can’t change my mind. Though the game is kinda unplayable without the right mods. It’s still a great game and y’all should all check it out.
          Guess I’ll have to go back to writing soon… I feel so much pain…
          One last question to the RWBY fanboys out there. Who is the hottest character in the franchise? There is only one correct answer and everybody else is wrong. Well there is a second correct answer but she’s a close second.
          So that’s all for now. 
          Follow me on Insta bois.


@Pelach hottest rwby character would be ruby for me tbh


I know Ultrakill. It’s a good game.


@Pelach did you ever try ultrakill ?
            is a game
            you can play


have you ever thought about writhing about a game called Ultrakill?


It’s a very good game. But writing about it I never thought about. Because you see, I don’t write stuff out of my arse. When I want to write about something I research and get invested in it. And quite frankly I’m too lazy for that right now. So maybe if I get some ultra good ideas or inspirations. But that’s a big if.


Bro, I read your GuP story, and It was really Good tbh, but the twist in the end really got to me and I cried a little ngl
          I like how you went into detail with the small things and how the story beautifully interconnects with itself
          But it was a really good book, and I hope to read your other books


That’s a great compliment my friend. I’m happy that you liked my book that much. Honestly I was kinda disappointed with the end because it felt rushed and way too sudden. I put a lot of effort in to bring you guys good stuff. So I see it as a big win that some see it that way even when I don’t.
            Thank you for reading :)


I also like how you kinda went in detail with the character's personality
            Ty for being a good author