
Hi Friends, 
          	I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe during this difficult season of COVID-19. It too will pass, hang on in there. God will take us through this season, Oh, what testimonies we have to share about the goodness of God.
          	I apologize for the delay in updates, this week is especially busy,  so I wasn't able to post. By God's grace and strength I will continue to post.
          	I have a friend that is an atheist who is slowly dying from his illness. My mom and I asked him if we could have worship with him and he said yes. We had a wonderful service,  he likes the song "amazing grace" which we sang for him. My former Pastor visited him and prayed with him. Praise God for his loving mercies towards us, and for allowing my friend to slowly accept the prayers of those who are interested in seeing him in heaven. I was reminded of how much God loves us and desires for all to be in heaven with Him. Keep my friend in your prayers that his decision will be to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
          	Please keep me in your prayers as I will be pursing the Pension Plan Administration Certification starting next week. That God will help me to get the designation. 
          	Stay safe and have a blessed day.
          	♥️ PeculiarJods 


Amen ! Praying for both you and your friend❤️


Read this until the end it's super cute. I sent an angel to watch over you last night but it came back When I asked, "Why?" The angel said that "angels don't watch over angels." Twenty angels are in your world ten of them are sleeping nine of them are playing, and one of them is reading this message.
          God has seen you struggling with some things,
          and God says "it's over." A blessing is coming your way If you believe in God, send this to fourteen friends including me. If I don't get one back, I guess I'm not one of them.
          As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you... Not joking.
          Pass the message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested and God is going to fix to big things tonight in your favor, if you believe in any God, please do this.