Thank you very much for the votes! I'm glad that you are enjoying the story! If you have any thoughts about it, favorite characters, moments, or just general feedback about the volume, I'd be happy to read it! And always feel free to comment!
          Last but not least, thank you very much for reading and stay safe!


@PbisaKing thank you so very much for your words. To know that you like it to that point is makes me very happy. (Do be careful with your tho...XD).
            Those two moments were a blast to write so it makes me quite glad that you find them memorable!
            And of course! If I wasn't having fun I wouldn't be writing it! Please look forward for the second volume and I hope that you will like it as much as the first one!
            Once again, thank you so very much for your words and for reading! Stay safe!


I’d like to start off by saying I’m absolutely loving the story so far! It quickly became a habit of reading it before I head to bed and when I wake up and I’ve found myself reading it instead of doing other activities that I would normally do. 
            I would be lying if I said it’s easy to pick a favorite moment, (spoilers if anyone who hasn’t finished Vol. 1 is reading this) 
            But the dialogue between the Mc and Scath after their fight is the most memorable moment for me. Although Sophie’s big moment comes in a very close second place!
            Overall I’m really enjoying reading it and I’m glad that there’s mores! I hope you have as much fun writing it as I enjoy reading. 
            Thank you for your work and stay sade!


❤❤❤  Thank you so much for all the votes! I really appreciated it. I hope you enjoy reading my story.  ❤❤❤


@PbisaKing Thank you for your support. I'm overjoyed. :)


I am loving it so far, although a little sad I caught up. I look forward to more of it!