
The best laid plans... Had hoped I'd have a day of writing then had numerous little jobs that got me busy.  I will make it my mission to have the chapter up by the end of the weekend


Hi everyone,
          I know I've been gone for a while but I am back and will be getting back to writing (sorry for those of you that have been waiting for a new chapter for way longer than you should).
          Writing has been started for the new chapters so between work and moving house I hope to get a chapter to you soon x


Hi everyone,
          I hope you're a doing ok. Sorry I haven't been on here recently but with work and everything its all been a bit hectic and didn't have the motivation to write and I'd rather wait to put out good chapters and keep the love for it than churn out ones that arent't as good.
          With that being said, I now have some motivation back and time and will start writing again.
          Love to you all