this message may be offensive
ok, I wanna bring this to everyone's attention. Anyone that is on the "black lives matter" train right now, please read this message ok?
YES, black lives do matter and I totally agree, 100%.
YES, what happened to George is fucking awful. thank god the officers will be brought to justice.
But by god, if your family is part of the non-peaceful protesting, try to get them to fucking STOP.
The downtown city where I live has been vandelized to hell. A lot of big parades and shit were canceled because of it. People are spraypainting our monuments and breaking windows of different buildings. That's NOT OK. I understand that we're angry, i'm angry too! but that doesn't mean to go busting into buildings of people that didn't do SHIT.
Next, I want you all to remember that George Floyd isn't the first African American man that officers of the law have done this too. There have been plenty of men and women who have been killed because of racism. So, moving forward, lets make sure any officer that kills ANYONE unjustly gets punished. not just african-americans. but, lets do it in a PEACEFUL PROTEST TYPE OF MANOR.
I'm sick and tired of all these crazy ass riots.
I understand we're angry.
I understand we want justice.
But this is taking it WAY too far guys.